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Default Where Is Steve W. When We Need Him?

Steve Wertz wrote:

> Still. My stance on trolling is pretty well-known, as evidenced
> by the nature of this thread. To turn me in over something that
> looks like I was trolling is pretty chicken-shit. Never
> underestimate the mind of an idiot and admitted troller.
> The irony is almost priceless.

In part it's a suprise because of the fact that Kevin seems
pretty net savvy, technically and otherwise, and would
be able to distinguish based on the headers.

> ObBBQ: Boiling ribs in beer as we speak, then I'll be grilling
> them over evergreen and sasafras.

As for me, beef back ribs. Albertson's was selling them this week
for 99 cents a pound, and I pretty much bought them out.

Reg email: RegForte (at) (that free MS email service) (dot) com