Can You Cut the Mustard?
Michael wrote on Fri, 15 May 2009 17:32:11 +0200:
> "thepixelfreak" > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:2009051415242816807-not@dotcom...
>> On 2009-05-14 08:15:32 -0700, "Michael Kuettner"
>> > said:
>>> No, mustard for Weißwürste. A Weißwurst is a small sausage
>>> stuffed with minced pork and herbs. It's simmered in water
>>> and best eaten before noon (with a Brez'n and
>>> Weißwurstsenf).
>> Made from Veal and Pork.
> Ah, right. I forgot the veal. My mind seems to have been on
> Nürnberger Rostbratwürstln.
>> If you ever visit Munich you must try the weisswurst!
> I live in Salzburg. Munich is an hour away; I like the city.
>> It's commonly eaten with a wheat beer called hefeweizen,
> Hefeweiße.
>> another fantastic bavarian export. Also a very good excuse
>> for beer before noon!
> Who needs an excuse for beer before noon ? ;-)
Right on! But real Hefeweizen is quite low on alcohol. Maybe it's like
the "small beer" that pre-modern young and old Europeans (possibly,
Americans too) drank at breakfast.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: