On May 15, 1:51*am, koko > wrote:
> We are in the middle of moving from our 5th wheel trailer into a cute
> little house I've nicknamed "The Cottage" because it's so small.
> This morning was the first meal, or shall I say food I've prepared in
> the cottage.
> Can't believe I have counter space and don't have to put the cutting
> board over the sink to prep the food.http://i39.tinypic.com/1hv8z6.jpg
> Didn't have much to choose from so I made scrambled eggs with some
> leftover refried beans from the take out the night before.http://i39.tinypic.com/mbhaua.jpg
> http://i39.tinypic.com/2z50jm1.jpg
> Plain ol' scrambled eggs never tasted so good. I am going to have to
> get used to an electric stove though.
> koko doing the happy dance.
> --
> There is no love more sincere than the love of food
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *George Bernard Shawwww.kokoscorner.typepad.com
> updated 04/26
Isn't it funny how ANYTHING made in a new home just tastes great?
Congrats and hope you have many wonderful cooking expereinces ahead.