What Fires You Up in a Morning?
On Sat, 16 May 2009 11:54:01 -0700, Mark Thorson >
>> That's bullshit, coffee is actually good for you, I'll find the
>> actually study and post the link
>The link I posted was to an actual clinical study
>in which the cholesterol-raising effect of drinking
>unfiltered coffee were shown. If you have evidence
>which directly contradicts that study, let's see it.
>Otherwise, you're diagnosis of "bullshit" is not
>based on any facts.
>Wht you, in your profound ignorance, don't realize
>is a substance may have both positive and negative
>effects. For example, egg yolks are one of the
>richest sources of natural vitamin B-12, but they
>are also a rich source of cholesterol.
>While coffee has other effects which are healthful,
>coffee which has not passed through a paper filter
>has a bad effect on cholesterol. That's not a
>theoretical result -- it was measured in people.
I posted three studies ( did you even bother to read them), the other
were stories. The studies were from places like Harvard Medical
school, World Health, and York University, the stories just the New
York Times, ABC News, and WebMD, you provided one.
Just where do you drink coffee that's not been filtered? I use the
unbleached filters, as do a fair number of resturants I frequent.