How to use a dishwasher
brooklyn1 wrote:
> "Dave Garland" > wrote in message
> . ..
>> brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> Folks, it's a dishwasher... a marvel of modern *convenience*,
>>> something no
>>> one actually *needs*, but a major part of the convenience is the dry
>>> feature...
>> Huh. A modern convenience, you say. Maybe if I generated more dirty
>> dishes it would make more sense to me.
>> I just leave my dishes in the drainer, and the next day they're all
>> dry. That's actually pretty convenient.
> I spent most of my life living like you, then in middle age I suddenly
> smartened up about being overly frugal... everyone dies the same,
No they dont. Some choose to pull the plug when the future doesnt appeal.
> but it's all about how we live...
And being frugal can give you more choices on how you live.
> and everyone lives differently.
Hardly anyone lives signficantly differently.
> It was very stressful being careful not to use an extra dish, glass, fork, or spoon,
Its actually a lot less stressful to keep reusing the same plate etc while
ever its clean enough to keep using it. I dont bother to have a clean plate
every day for the morning toast, only get a clean one when one gets dirty
because some of the butter or marmalade has got onto the plate.
I dont bother to use a clean glass every time I drink some water
from the tap, just wash the glass that I use for that when the
dishwasher is doing a cycle, and thats about once in 10 days.
I do however have a clean glass every day for the evening beer,
because beer does make the glass more dirty than water does.
> and even more stressful being driven to wash every utensil
> immediately or it would pile up where it looked like slob city.
Only a fool cares what anything looks like.
> It's amzing how we adopt frugality from our parents... my parents had to die before I treated myself to a dish washer.
More fool you.
> I bet you ration how many sheets of TP you permit yourself, and you use both sides. LOL
> You wanna talk frugal, my father insisted that only he knew how to properly close a water spigot, if over tightened
> one millionth of a foot pound the washer would wear out a day sooner.
Your problem is clearly hereditary.
> Maybe Victor can help, I can't write Russian, my father's favorite word was "Jholahver" or some such transliteration.