How to use a dishwasher
brooklyn1 wrote:
> "Rod Speed" > wrote in message
> ...
>> brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> "brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>>>>> I spent most of my life living like you, then in middle age I
>>>>> suddenly smartened up about being overly frugal... everyone dies
>>>>> the same, but it's all about how we live... and everyone lives
>>>>> differently. It was very stressful being careful not to use an
>>>>> extra dish, glass, fork, or spoon, and even more stressful being
>>>>> driven to wash every utensil immediately or it would pile up where
>>>>> it looked like slob city. It's amzing how we adopt frugality from
>>>>> our parents... my parents had to die before I treated myself to a
>>>>> dish washer. I bet you ration how many sheets of TP you permit
>>>>> yourself, and you use both sides. LOL You wanna talk frugal, my
>>>>> father insisted that only he knew how to properly close a water
>>>>> spigot, if over tightened one millionth of a foot pound the washer
>>>>> would wear out a day sooner. Maybe Victor can help, I can't write
>>>>> Russian, my father's favorite word was "Jholahver" or some such
>>>>> transliteration.
>>>> Those are common traits among those that lived during the
>>>> Depression and the World Wars when every tiny thing counted.
>>> Exactly. It took you most of your life before treating yourself to
>>> a stove you really wanted, and according to your posts you still
>>> agonized over the decision. Perhaps you still have buyers remorse,
>>> not because the stove isn't worth it, but because you are still not
>>> comfortable with whether you are worth it. It's not easy to give up
>>> old taboos... many times I wonder whether my parents would approve
>>> of my decisions. Anyone who tells me they don't consider their
>>> parent's approval, even about how much toothpaste they put on their
>>> toothbrush, is either a liar or a criminal.
>> Wota terminal ****wit. Plenty have enough of a clue to realise that
>> some people are locked in the past and so their approval is
>> irrelevant.
>>> Every normal person lives their entire life considering parental
>>> approval regarding all the minutia of their life.
>> Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you have never
>> ever had a clue about anything at all, ever.
> You're like that river in Egypt, Denial... shithead.
Wota stunningly rational line of argument you have there, child.