Heard something on television the other night...
Lynn from Fargo Ografmorffig wrote:
> On May 16, 9:16 pm, "Nexis" > wrote:
>> ...and it struck a chord with me. Thought I'd share.
>> Did you say it?
>> I love you.
>> I don't ever want to live without you.
>> You changed my life.
>> Did you say it?
>> Make a plan.
>> Set a goal.
>> Work toward it.
>> But every now and then, look around.
>> Drink it in.
>> 'Cause....this is it.
>> It might all be gone tomorrow.
>> kimberly
> I've been to six funerals in the last six months. That's all I have
> to add.
> Lynn from Fargo
Unfortunately the older you get, the more frequent the funerals.
The original post is a good reminder.
gloria p