How to use a dishwasher
Vic Smith wrote:
> On Sat, 16 May 2009 22:36:07 GMT, "brooklyn1"
> > wrote:
>>> Those are common traits among those that lived during the
>>> Depression and the World Wars when every tiny thing counted.
>> Exactly. It took you most of your life before treating yourself to
>> a stove you really wanted, and according to your posts you still
>> agonized over the decision. Perhaps you still have buyers remorse,
>> not because the stove isn't worth it, but because you are still not
>> comfortable with whether you are worth it. It's not easy to give up
>> old taboos... many times I wonder whether my parents would approve
>> of my decisions. Anyone who tells me they don't consider their
>> parent's approval, even about how much toothpaste they put on their
>> toothbrush, is either a liar or a criminal. Every normal person
>> lives their entire life considering parental approval regarding all
>> the minutia of their life.
> What about orphans?
> Besides that, many have serious disagreements with parents,
> admit to it, and are not criminal. There are plenty of bad parents
> who should not be emulated, approved of, or given much
> consideration at all when their children make their own decisions.
And plenty just decide to reject their parents values, whether thats because
the parent is a drunk, a wife basher, or even just an obsessive scrouge etc.
> You sound like some Freudian tract here.
Just completely out of her ****ing tree and doesnt have a ****ing clue.
> Not to say you didn't have fine parents, and
> have legitimate cause to feel as you do.
I had fine parents too, both now dead, but still have enough of a clue
to decide for myself on a number of fundamental issues like frugality.
I also realised when still a school kid that my dad, while quite
mechanically competant, just didnt seem to be able to judge how
strong to make something and that would see much of what he
made not last very long because it just wasnt strong enough.
I tend to err on the other side and general make stuff out of welded steel
whereas he never did get into welding and made stuff out of wood instead.
> One size does not fit all.
And its too stupid to even notice.