What happened to Rec.Food.Reipes?
Janet Wilder wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
>> In article >,
>> zxcvbob > wrote:
>>> Omelet wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> "Hugh" > wrote:
>>>>> Rec.food.recipes is a moderated newsgroup. The moderator retired.
>>>>> No one has emerged who wants to take that role.
>>>> I offered, but they rejected me because I drove a mac. :-(
>>> Better to let the group die, I guess.
>>> Bob
>> If anyone is interested, we could try starting one up on Yahoogroups?
>> Several of us could run it as co-moderators?
> I'd participate. I once owned a private Yahoo! Group and co-moderated
> another semi-private group. The private group was by invite only. It did
> not appear in the listings. The semi-private group was in the listing,
> but you had to be accepted by the moderator after sending a brief email
> why you want to join. It's not very difficult to moderate a Yahoo! Group.
The problem with @Yahoogroups is the moderators usually turn into Nazis
eventually and start abusing the regular members -- not all the regulars
of course, often it's a newbie. Then I rebuke the moderator for
violating the group's TOS (I don't like bullies.) Publicly or privately
it doesn't matter, it always plays out the same way: she bans me from
the group and then posts accusations about *me* (which I can't rebut) to
make me the bad guy, and all the women post what a wonderful job she's
doing keeping the group safe. :barf:
Or, like with the local Freecycle group, the moderator edits messages to
"fix" the punctuation or grammar, even if it was correct to begin with.
(I'm pretty sure it's more a control thing than trying to be helpful.)
I've pretty much given up on them completely, and I use Craigslist
instead of Freecycle if I want to give something away.