What Fires You Up in a Morning?
On Sun, 17 May 2009 12:57:10 -0700, Mark Thorson >
>> On Sun, 17 May 2009 12:10:09 -0700, Mark Thorson >
>> wrote:
>> < blah, blah, blah>
>> <snip>
>> Harvard Medical schools 18 year study seems on par with your link, do
>> I really care if you think not, not really.
>And even though nothing in that press release contradicts
>the documented cholesterol-raising effects of unfiltered coffee,
>you still call the study published in the British Medical
>Journal "bullshit". That just confirms the accuracy of
>the diagnosis of "fool".
What the **** do you really care about some Brit study, or is it that
you just want someone to argue with? Have a stiff drink, stay out of
the sun, and please see your physician on monday to re-new your
prescription for valium.