What happened to Rec.Food.Reipes?
In article >,
"Jean B." > wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> > In article >,
> > "Jean B." > wrote:
> >
> >> Jean B. wrote:
> >>> Omelet wrote:
> >>>> In article >,
> >>>> zxcvbob > wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Omelet wrote:
> >>>>>> In article >,
> >>>>>> "Hugh" > wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Rec.food.recipes is a moderated newsgroup. The moderator retired.
> >>>>>>> No one has emerged who wants to take that role.
> >>>>>> I offered, but they rejected me because I drove a mac. :-(
> >>>>> Better to let the group die, I guess.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Bob
> >>>> If anyone is interested, we could try starting one up on Yahoogroups?
> >>>> Several of us could run it as co-moderators?
> >>> Think about the rules. If any. Also, what would the ramifications be
> >>> for rfc? How would the group differ from what we have here? How would
> >>> it differ from rfr (as it was, of course)?
> >>>
> >>> Might be interesting, but I wouldn't want to see it supplant rfc.
> >>>
> >>> My immediate thoughts would be:
> >>>
> >>> 1. Recipe-oriented
> >>> 2. Discussion of recipes and prose related to the recipes allowed (but
> >>> then where do you draw the line, so you don't slip into banter?)
> >>> 3. Tried and true recipes only (made clear in some way with the
> >>> submission) UNLESS someone asks for a specific recipe--and then the fact
> >>> that is has not been tried should be made clear.
> >>>
> >> Adding on...
> >>
> >> No flaming.
> >>
> >> No spamming.
> >
> > That is one good point of Yahoogroups.com.
> >
> > Moderated lists can totally filter out Spams!
> >
> > I co-moderate a couple of lists. One that is dedicated to local
> > freecycling (I save egg cartons and cat litter buckets and give them
> > away on a regular basis, along with other "stuff" I want to get rid of)
> > and an RKBA 2nd amendment list.
> >
> > If anyone is truly interested, let me know and I'll be happy to start
> > one up for recipes :-).
> Well, I am debating whether I want to offer my services as a
> co-moderator.
> I haven't done that. What does it involve?
It just involves letting posts thru based on your personal views. They'd
come to your mailbox. If you are not sure about one, just leave it in
the queue for me or another moderator.
That's what I do for Melissa on her RKBA list.
It is not terribly involved.
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.