Cuisinart 7 qt stand mixer comments
"notbob" wrote:
> Terry wrote:
>> Finally decided on a Cuisinart SM70 and thought you
>> might want to know a little about it.
> As Sheldon once pointed out, these power ratings (1000W) are misleading.
Wattage is a measurement of power *consumed*, NOT power produced[period]
With these type of mixers the higher the wattage rating the the higher the
ratio of heat to shaft horsepower produced... as rpms decrease and
resistance increases (as with mixing dough) so does efficiency decrease and
wattage consumption increase, because they have no transmission, they have
an electronic speed control, essentially it's a dimmer switch. These style
of stand mixers are in fact hair driers disguised as mixers.
Folks buy these style of mixers solely because they like the retro look, the
designer colors, and they want to feel like a real baker as they go about
making their widdle one or two loaves with their widdle toys r us mixer.
Anyone who is not so physically incapacitated that they can knead dough for
a couple-three widdle one pound loaves by hand does not need this style of
stand mixer... not unless they want something that would best be made into
brightly colored retro look lamp. The typical home oven can't bake more
than like 3 one pound loaves at once, so there is no point in mixing more
dough than one has facility to bake, that's what real bakers do... they mix
another batch a bit later so that their baking is staggered. I know that if
I were baking bread at home I wouldn't want more than like two loaves of
bread of the same recipe... were I wanting to bake more loaves I'd certainly
make a different style of bread for the next batch... wouldn't six loaves of
white bread get boring?
All a home cook really needs is two good hands for kneading dough, and a
quality hand mixer for everything else... yoose don't need any stinkin'
stand mixer, not unless you're physically handicapped. Btw, no machine yet
devised is capable of kneading dough better than the human hand... hand
kneaded dough by the most inexperinced dough kneader is at least 400% better
than can be kneaded by any machine... anyone can learn to knead dough...
anyone who can masturbate can knead dough. hehe
It's really a major indication of low IQedness to buy a mixer by Wattage
rating... anyone who is desirous of a home mixer with the highest Wattage
rating would also be desirous of wanting a family automobile with the
highest GPM rating.
Terry's old KA is a far superior machine in every way possible than that
shiny new acquisition... if Terry is a guy he has the mentality that wishes
his dick were bigger, not that he could last longer... size ain't
everything, what good is a ten inch kielbasa with a two minute fuse... yoose
gals know what I mean... you'll still have to knead it by hand! LOL