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What's a famous food brand from your town?
Jean B. said...
> maxine wrote:
>> On May 18, 4:25 pm, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>> maxine wrote:
>>>> On May 18, 9:22 am, Andy > wrote:
>>>>> What's a famous food brand from your town?
>>>>> Philly has TastyKake and Hershey chocolate and Peeps!
>>>>> Camden, across the Delaware river from Philly, in New Jersey, is the
>>>>> original headquarters for Campbell's soups, et. al. What a slum part
>>>>> of the nation to make soup!!! I think the tomato soup is made in
>>>>> Texas. Thank God for small favors!
>>>>> Your town?
>>>>> Andy
>>>> We're also the place where cabinets, stuffies, and grinders are all
>>>> on the menu, along with Awful Awful's
>>>> maxine in ri
>>>> Official State Bivalve: Quahog
>>> What are Awful Awfuls? That rings an extremely vague bell.
>>> Jean B.
>> They were the signature milkshake at Newport Creamery, a speedier
>> version of Friendly's ice cream and sandwich shops. Awful Big and
>> Awful Good. Drink 4 and get the 5th one free. Mostly teenaged boys
>> won that challege.
>> maxine in ri
> Hmmm. Maybe at Friendly's then?
Made me look!
Ooh!... Free ice cream on Saturday, June 6th,
2009 12-5 pm!
Eat first, talk later.