"Boob Twilly" wrote:
> iffu wrote:
>> OK lets look at it this way, Harvard Medical school did a 18 year
>> study, found moderate coffee drinking to be no risk to our health,
>> actually it's got some real beneficial properties.
>> The American Anti Aging Association representing 22,000 physicians in
>> 105 countries posted the Harvard study.
>> The Web MD thought it was worth mentioning as well.
>> After analyzing data on 126,000 people for as long as 18 years,
>> Harvard researchers calculate that compared with not partaking in
>> America's favorite morning drink, downing one to three cups of
>> effeminates coffee daily can reduce diabetes risk by single digits.
>> But having six cups or more each day slashed men's risk by 54% and
>> women's by 30% over java avoiders.
>> Then there were the studies by the American Medical Association, you
>> do know who they are right? They think moderate coffee drinking to be
>> acceptable.
>> The New York Times thought it news worthy enough to put in their
>> paper as a feature, you know who they are right?.
>> I wasn't trying to discredit the study published in the British
>> Medical Journal, but there's overwhelming data to the contrary, so
>> who's studys is correct?
> Did *ANY* of those sources focus exclusively on French press coffee? If
> not,
> why are you dragging filtered coffee into the discussion? Mark was only
> discussing danger from unfiltered coffee, which makes all your cites
> irrelevant.
> I see that logic isn't your strong point. (Neither is English, but that's
> also beside the point.)
What a riot, the superfluous/decorative parenthesis does not repair your
improperly constructed sentence, Twilly the English butcher.
French press coffee is indeed filtered, just uses a metal mesh filter is
all... and they do make secondary fine mesh plastic sediment filters that
many use which enables use of a finer grind coffee.
Now STFU, Twilly, you ignoranus babboon-butt faced ugli bastid.