Spring cleaning
Don't you love that time of year when the sun comes out and warms things
up, and you open up the windows and air the place out. We have been busy
spring cleaning and we are now in the last minute rush to get everything
clean and tidy before a rush of guests. It never rains but it pours.
My wife's old college roommate called back in February to ask if she
could come and visit. She lives near San Francisco and they haven't seen
each other in years. She had said late May or June. She called the other
day to say that she would be coming today and is staying until Saturday,
the day my wife has her school reunion. While her visit was still not
scheduled, my sister in law called and asked if they could come on
Friday and stay over night because her husband has a university reunion
near here on Saturday. So we will have one guest for four nights and
then another two on the last one. Everyone heads out Saturday morning,
and my wife won't be home until late Saturday night.
Meanwhile, I have been contacted by a Danish journalist who wants to
come and interview me and my brothers. He is flying in Saturday night
and arriving here Sunday morning. He is working on a documentary about
my father, who was shot down over Denmark during the war and the first
Allied airman to escape from occupied Denmark over to Sweden.
Sometime this week I have to go to my parent's old house and talk to the
new owners to get permission to go there to get some shots and
interviews in front of the house where Dad lived most of his life.
Other than preparing dinner, my work is almost done. I have been
cleaning the windows. I have done everything that I can do on the
inside. Now I just have to get a ladder out of the barn and climb up to
do the outside portions of bedrooms, bathroom and TV room upstairs, and
some on the ground floor. Once that is done I have to go on weed
patrol. I have a pernicious creeping weed that keeps popping up all
over, and I am cursing the new ban on weed killer :-(
So it is a hectic day here. Food related..... I have baked a rhubarb
custard pie for dessert for tonight. I have a chunk of pork which I am
going to cube and marinate to make slouvaki for dinner.