What's a famous food brand from your town?
"l, not -l" > wrote in message
> On 18-May-2009, Andy > wrote:
>> What's a famous food brand from your town?
>> Philly has TastyKake and Hershey chocolate and Peeps!
>> Camden, across the Delaware river from Philly, in New Jersey, is the
>> original
>> headquarters for Campbell's soups, et. al. What a slum part of the nation
>> to
>> make soup!!! I think the tomato soup is made in Texas. Thank God for
>> small
>> favors!
>> Your town?
> - Anheuser-Busch was the most famous company headquartered here until it
> was
> bought by a foreign company; Busch products are still made here.
> - 7-Up was a STL company before merging with Dr. Pepper
> Brooks ketchup was made in a suburb of STL for many years, before
> production
> moved out of the US; the town has a water-tower in the shape of a Brooks
> ketcup bottle.
> - R-F brand past products were originally a STL-only product, now in
> broader
> distribution having been bought by another Missouri company (American
> Italian Pasta Co), who also make Heartland, and Montalcino Pasta.
> - Though not a food, depending on your cooking skills, Tums can be a
> ingredient of great help post-meal; founded and still produced in STL
How about Ted Drew's? That was my favorite spot in STL.