Whole Canned Beets w/cheese recipe - Fraud!
I really enjoy canned beets, so I keep a bunch of each type in my larder,
mostly sliced beets, some whole beets, and some cut beets (wedges), I really
have the whole and cut because they sometimes got mixed in when I'd scoop up
a dozen cans of sliced at a time, I buy them whenever they're on sale.
Between what's on my basement shelves, in my kitchen pantry, and in my
fridge I must have more than 50 one pound cans... they're now 15 ounces.
Yesteday I was in my my little stupidmarket in town and they do indeed carry
8 ounce cans of beets in each configuration, and in three brands, store
brand, Libby's, and DelMonte (I've never found a difference among brands),
but the 8 ounce cans cost like 30% more per ounce so I didn't buy any.
A few days ago there was a cheese stuffed whole canned beet recipe posted.
Today I opened a 15 ounce can of whole beets for lunch. This was the first
time I counted them, I was surprised there were 22 beets, all rather small,
none over like 3/4" diameter, most closer to 5/8". Naturally they were not
perfectly round, beets are sort of elongated, slightly tapered, and some
were sort of flattened. Looking them over carefully I couldn't see how
someone could hollow them out so they could be stuffed with cheese unless
they made a fairly small hollow, no more than the size of like a raisin -
perhaps employ a trained beet eating worm - plus canned beets are rather
tender, I'm sure even if using a teeny tiny melon baller most would break...
they'd certainly break from the pressure of stuffing with cheese, unless
maybe if careful with one of those pressurized canned cheeses. Besides that
the combo of beets with cheese is definitely TIAD it's not something one can
physically do in any practical way... I believe the recipe a fraud.
I did learn something I didn't know previously, from reading the can label
carefully, I learned that unlike other canned veggies a serving of beets
includes the beet liquid... I have always consumed the liquid from all
canned veggies. One of my favorite quickie beet snacks is to open a chilled
can, sip out some juice, add a tsp of dark brown sugar, a pinch of salt a
couple grinds of black pepper and like a half ounce of white vinegar... all
I need is a fork, no dish. I finished my can of beets, counting as I ate,
but a few minutes later realized it wasn't enough for lunch, so looking in
the fridge I found a hunk of cheddar, I hacked off like 3 ounces of cubes
and while munching and mulling I realized that eating cheese separately a
short time later is fine but no way, no how do beets and cheese belong in
the mouth at the same time.