"Omelet" > wrote in message

> In article >,
> "Kswck" > wrote:
>> OM:
>> Step AWAY from the dehydrator. Put it into the basement. LIVE out of the
>> freezer for 2 weeks. It's not that long. Have something different EVERY
>> night. DON'T defrost something that will last 3 days.
>> Either that OR...Make 30lbs of jerky or sausage. Eat it EVERYDAY-without
>> fail. After a month or so, you'll never touch it again.
> <lol> I actually have made a bunch of jerky out of the freezer in the
> past. :-)
> Works well as I love the stuff... and it prevents freezer burn.
> --
> Peace! Om
> Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
> It's about learning to dance in the rain.
> -- Anon.
Jerky does not need to be refridgerated. Just keep it vacuum sealed. It's
shelf life is 6 months+.