Late Lunch, Sausage Lovers!
On Thu, 21 May 2009 12:51:06 +0200, "Michael Kuettner"
> wrote:
>"Mack A. Damia" schrieb :
>> Don Martinich > wrote:
>>>In article >,
>>> Mack A. Damia > wrote:
>>>> Chorizo con Chipotle Y Cilantro.
>>>> Pretty good. I'm trying it with a number of mustards/sauces.
>>>> Decent wurst in Mexico. Large German population - Emperor Maximillian
>>>Germans had nothing to do with it.
>> That statement is incorrect.
>That statement is correct.
What statement? My statement is, "There is decent wurst in Mexico'
(brought in recipes by immigrants).
So you are saying there is no decent wurst in Mexico?
>Maximilian was
>(a) a French puppet
>(b) an Austrian
Germany pretended to own Mexico in the 1860's. Many countries
including the U.S. did not recognize them.
>While there is a German influence, it had nothing to do with Maximilian.
Most Austrians considered themselves German. Austrians love sausage,
too. Max was a Hapsburg (burg?)
Actally the statement stood alone. Everything I said is correct. You
are the one making connections. As I said, this wasn't a history
German culture flourished in Mexico in the 1800s. It was spurred by
increased immigration - Germans/Austrians and Eastern Europeans
flocked to America's shores bringing there cultures with them.
To deny this is sheer stupidity.
The Mexicans had chorizo from Spain - highly spiced to preserve it -
the Germans added their skills and recipes over the decades.
(Deitrich Chorizo is a brand here)
The Mexicans call all sausage chorizo. I can buy German wurst as well
as English sausages (bangers) - all made locally.
Best of the day!~