On Thu, 21 May 2009 10:48:18 -0500, Andy > wrote:
>Mack A. Damia said...
>> On Wed, 20 May 2009 14:16:43 -0700, Mack A. Damia
>> > wrote:
>>>Yocco's Hot Dogs?
>> Since the Ed thing was an inside joke - has anybody ever had A Yocco's
>> Hot Dog in the Lehigh Valley? They were mentioned briefly in a thread
>> in January of this year (andy and Kate)
>> It's Lee Iacocca's family - hence the the name, Yocco. (Pennsylvania
>> Dutch apparently had trouble pronouncing the name)
>> Distinctive doggies. Seems to me that they ship them, too, but I
>> don't see information.
>> http://www.yoccos.com/
>> Since 1922, I think. An independent review....
>> http://chowhound.chow.com/topics/178347
>First I've heard of them.
>I rang them up to ask which meat they use and it's a beef and pork hot dog.
>I chuckled at their motto "The secret's in Yocco's sauce!" Is that a good
>thing? <G>
>Next time I'm in the neighborhood I'll try one.
You'll have more than one if you like them. Sort of like chilli dogs
with a unique taste.
Over the years the bun and dog have gotten smaller - maybe two good
mouthfuls now.
Also, try a cheesesteak at the Brass Rail on Lehigh Street.
The original reastaurant was on Hamilton Street in Allentown, but that
was closed about ten years ago, I think. Very good cheesesteaks. Hot
peppers, too.
I know that they ship those around the U.S.