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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default Q: Best Refrigerator

brooklyn1 wrote:
> Getting water to the fridge for an ice maker is the easiest part, it's just
> a small flexible plastic tube that can be fished throught cabinets if need
> be, in fact you don't want to bury it so that it is inaccessable in case it
> needs replacement... and the water can be tapped from any cold water pipe,
> whichever is nearest, perhaps a bathroom. It's really a job that the
> homeowner can do themself, you don't even need any tools, why pay a plumber.

Not a good idea. It should be a plumbed-in metal
connection, otherwise it will leak or burst someday.
Several years ago, the late radio commentator Paul Harvey
disappeared for a few days while others substituted for him
on his radio show. When he reappeared, he explained that
he had a second house, and the water line to the automatic
ice maker in the refrigerator broke, causing tens of
thousands of dollars worth of damage while the house was
unoccupied. He recommended that if you have one of
these things, you make it a metal connection.

And your advice seems to go against what you said
a few months ago, he