In article
Kris > wrote:
> Good afternon all,
> With the holiday weekend (at least in the U.S. - is it Bank Holiday
> elsewhere?) almost upon us, I was curious to see what my fellow
> foodies love to put on the grill.
> I'm leaning towards grilled ribeyes and/or some sort of seafood skewer
> (shrimp recipe follows). I also will probably do some grilled
> asparagus and maybe a creamy cucumber salad, since they're in season.
<snipped yummy shrimp stuff>
> Kris
Sounds good to me! I have to work so won't worry about it. <sigh>
If I had an option for grilling, I'd make kebabs alternating shrimp,
tender beef cubes and mushrooms with a similar recipe, but I'd
pre-marinate the kebabs buried in the marinade sealed in ziplocks until
I was ready to grill, at least for 24 hours. :-)
Another great grilled item are whole marinated portabello mushroom caps.
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.