Why do people pay for groceries by check?
> wrote in message
> Debit and credit cards have been around for ages now. So why do people
> still pay by check which is:
> Time-consuming
> Error-prone
> Expensive (checks aren't cheap)
> Plus checks are a hassle for the grocery stores to deal with. They
> just pass the cost on to the consumer through higher prices
> I can't think of any developed nation that still relies on checks for
> day-to-day consumer transactions.
Many of the older folks do not trust computers not do they understand EFT.
Checks offer control albeit an illusion. They also believe it takes a few
days for a check to clear.
If you believe you can live in a paperless society you're delusional.
One other thing now that I think of it - the older folks in line take one
look at you and decide to **** you off!