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Mack A. Damia Mack A. Damia is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 609
Default Late Lunch, Sausage Lovers!

On Fri, 22 May 2009 20:54:17 +0200, "Michael Kuettner"
> wrote:

>"Mack A. Damia" > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
.. .
>> On Fri, 22 May 2009 19:31:57 +0200, "Michael Kuettner"
>> > wrote:
>> <*snip questionable history lesson*>
>> Michael, there's more than Wikipedia.
>> Spend some time in an actual library.

>I'm not really surprised about your evasions anymore.
>It was _you_ who quoted Wikipedia; a rather sure sign
>that you were talking out of your ass.

Not really. The paragraph from Wiki is accurate. It was much easier
to copy/paste and give the reference than it was to research my
hisotry books.
>As always, you've snipped anything you couldn't answer
>or contradict, i.e. : Everything.

What are you talking about? I posted a message about sausage and the
German influence on Mexican culture. You started the harrassment with
your interpretation of what I wrote. That's all it was, too - your

You might make a good science fiction writer.

>But your lack of any knowledge in European history and
>your back-pedalling are amusing to me.

Maybe, but I'm the one on a bicycle, and I'm back-pedaling circles
around you on your tricycle.

I don't pretend to be a walking encyclopedia. I know where to go for
knowledge and information, though, when I need it, and I certainly
don't need to prove German influence on Mexican culture.

Again, you need to focus. Emphasis was on food, sausage and cultural
influences. T'wasn't a history lesson. It's called, "being evasive".

Read my first message again.

>Michael Kuettner
