Propane rip-ff
Mr. Bill wrote:
> On Sat, 23 May 2009 07:05:59 -0400, George >
> wrote:
>> I am always amazed at how well big box home depot marketing works that
>> people are willing to pay $20+ for an exchange
> It is all about convenience.....look at gas/quick stop stores. People
> will stop and put 2 dollars gas in the vehicle, go inside to pay and
> buy a bottle of water. Price per unit? Over ten dollars per gallon
> for WATER!
Don't underestimate the power of marketing. New neighbor recently moved
in and somehow we started talking about grills. I mentioned the
convenient place that is less than two miles away that does refills for
$9.95 and is actually on the route you would take to get to home cheepo.
It is also megaconvenient too because the filling platform is about 30
feet from the parking area. I simply got a deer in headlights look and
later noticed a "blue rhino" tank on their grill.
I often get the same deer in headlights look when I mention the large
local food store that has an in house meat department and doesn't sell
the walmart style adulterated meats. It doesn't have a marketed brand so
for a lot of people it can't possibly be good.