Fawcett's only husband Lee Majors (Six Million Dollar Man): I couldn't watch the Farrah Story
On Sun, 24 May 2009 06:23:00 -0700 (PDT), Nicko
> wrote:
>On May 24, 12:22*am, wrote:
>> On Sat, 23 May 2009 19:18:29 -0400, Sh!t Happens >
>> wrote:
>> >Taylor > wrote:
>> >>Lee Majors: I Couldn't Watch the Farrah Special
>> >In the special she reveals she found a peanut-sized lump in her anus
>> >and that's how she found out she had anal cancer. *The next morning
>> >after having watched her special the night before I woke up and went
>> >to take a crap and ... uh oh ... I found a peanut-sized lump in my ass
>> >too. *I totally freaked out! *I started screaming and got hysterical
>> >and thought I was going to die. *It took me a while to calm down but
>> >when I did I looked down into the toilet paper I had wiped myself with
>> >and found out the peanut-sized lump was actually a peanut! *Then I
>> >remembered I had been eating Planters peanuts the day before.
>> >Apparently it was one I hadn't chewed completely. *Thanks a lot Farrah
>> >Fawcett!
>> Nice. Making fun of someone's terminal illness, Farrah knows she's
>> dying, you don't need to show the world by posting your shit to usenet
>> that you're completely devoid of *brains or any type of caring.
>Lighten up, mate. If I was dying of Asshole Cancer I would think it a
>hilarious tribute if someone were to poke fun of me on usenet. You
>should get yourself checked out to make sure you don't have a tumor on
>the humor center of your brain.
You should get yourself checked out if you think dying of rectal
cancer is humorous, and making sport of someone dying of rectal cancer
on usenet is acceptable. Most people I know wouldn't think of doing
such a thing, perhaps you are the lone sick exception.