Girl Scout cookies
On May 24, 9:32*am, "Kswck" > wrote:
> Ok, we've all had them. But do you just buy in bulk from some mother selling
> them in the office, or do you actually get them from a girl scout?
I always buy three to five of each, Thin Mints and a Lemon sort. I
usually freeze two of each so as to not only have an immediate office
share with my Marines, but to also have some to bring in for them a
month later.
I would much rather buy from the always uniformed and sweet door-to-
door sales, but my home is rarely seen by any. I don't grocery shop
often enough to catch sales there from the actual girls, so for many
years now I have bought from fathers aboard the USMC base whom I know
well, and they are also the ones who bring their uniformed daughters
in for the actual deliveries and thank yous.