Fawcett's only husband Lee Majors (Six Million Dollar Man): Icouldn't watch the Farrah Story
On May 24, 9:41*am, wrote:
> You should get yourself checked out if you think dying of rectal
> cancer is humorous, and making sport of someone dying of rectal cancer
> on usenet is acceptable. Most people I know wouldn't think of doing
> such a thing, perhaps you are the lone sick exception.
I too think of someone dying of rectal is humorous. For a long time I
had to hide my chuckles, fearing that others would judge me. I would
laugh up my sleeve at the slightest hint of someone having a malignant
tumor growing in the nether regions, especially one incubating in a
rich or famous person.
Thanks to the internet I no longer have to be shameful of my joy
watching celeberties suffer mortality. Now in the privacy of my home I
can share with others my thoughts concerning the laughable decline in
Farah Fawcett's health.
Now you, Miss high and mighty, cross-posting your prudish rants to
one of the few groups left where one may flourish unecumbered from
prejudices. You think by cross-posting your guilt you can make others
feel the unhappiness that oozes from every word you type, but you are
wrong. There is joy abounding from alt.tasteless. I invite you to come
over and let your hair down; I would especially recommend the thread
that shows the lighter side of the story regarding the little boy
whose father ate his eyes out.
Otherwise, go back to baking cancer causing cookies and let others be
happy in the misery of others.