"Dave Bugg" <deebuggatcharterdotnet> wrote in message
> cl wrote:
> > Have you ever clocked its max temps though?
> > There is always alot of conjecture in regard to temps at the grate
> > (and dome/lid) due to the need of having a very high temp probe, but
> > never hard numbers. Same with TEC IR burners. I was hoping one you
> > guys would have these hard numbers given the facination (and
> > rightfully so
> I forgot to add, this was with a steel perforated wok stuffed with B&B lump.
> No gas --- I removed the burner long ago.
> Dave
Same here. I dumped the old style burner. It was worthless. I also used a
perforated wok before I bought the LSP and still think it worked better. And I
use only B&B lump.