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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default World Oil Production to Peak in 2013

peakoil wrote:
> Does anybody know, that according to some Oil Geologists (e.g. Colin
> Campbell) in 2013 the world oil output is going to peak ? Are you
> aware what this does mean for all of us ? We have 4 years from now,
> until there will not be enough energy for travelling, heating and the

Baloney. We don't fall off a cliff in 2013, as you imply,
even if your statistics were correct. It's a very shallow
and gradual peak. Also, it should be noted that estimates
of recoverable petroleum seriously underestimate their
size. Saudi Arabia won't allow exploration in certain areas
because they don't want it to be known just how much they've
got. U.S. oil producers underestimate their reserves because
they don't want to pay extra taxes on the land. Vast new
oil reserves are being discovered all the time, for example
off the coast of west Africa.

Worldwide coal reserves represent a far larger source of
energy, and liquid fuels can be made from coal if pressed
to the wall on that, as was Germany during WW2 and South
Africa during the embargo.

Natural gas reserves increase every year, despite high
consumption. That's because new deposits are being found
at a faster rate than consumption.

If the rest of your web site is as poorly informed as
your spam posting, it's a complete waste of time to look
at it.