Girl Scout cookies
On May 24, 8:57*pm, "Paco" > wrote:
> "Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
> ...
> > PickyJaz wrote:
> >> I would much rather buy from the always uniformed and sweet door-to-
> >> door sales, but my home is rarely seen by any. *I don't grocery shop
> >> often enough to catch sales there from the actual girls, so for many
> >> years now I have bought from fathers aboard the USMC base whom I know
> >> well, and they are also the ones who bring their uniformed daughters
> >> in for the actual deliveries and thank yous.
> > I've never bought any and never would because
> > I don't want to support a paramilitary organization
> > for girls or anybody else.
> Oh, you did it now, Mark! *Let the cat out of the bag. *Well, time for full
> disclosure. *Girl Scouts actually train with the U.S. Navy Seals and the
> CIA. *Currently, they have been successfully and covertly inserted into
> Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. *These "sleeper cells" await orders from POTUS
> and upon receiving said orders, will inundate the targeted countries with
> Thin Mints, Samoas® and Do-Si-Dos®, thus causing total mayhem and collapsing
> the countries political and military infrastructures. *A "black ops"
> program, in place since the Coolidge administration. *Truth be told the GSA
> specializes in nuclear and radiological warfare. *Keep your Geiger counter
> at the ready!