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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Dinner last night: Grilled eye fillet steak

In article >,
PeterL > wrote:

> I still had 3 whole eye fillets that I had to cut up, so that was done
> first resulting in one huge bowl of steaks, and another smaller bowl of
> the offcuts that will be used in stirfries etc.

Some good lookin' dead cow there!

> The two steaks the SO selected.......

Almost lean enough for tartare. ;-d

> This is what I call my 'griddle' pan......

Those seem to be getting very popular. I don't own one and use
the electric grill instead.

> and this is my plate, the salad is home grown avocados, mandarins, lebo
> cues, crispy leaf, with Paul Newmans Roasted Garlic dressing... and I
> added some garlic butter to the steaks after the pic :-) The steaks don't
> look that big there, but they are actually about an inch thick. They were
> as tender as anything!! :-)

Oy. That's enough for 4 meals for me!

> The SO had the same, 'cept she had Maggie Beers Fig Vino Cotto for her
> dressing.

Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
