World Oil Production to Peak in 2013
"peakoil" > wrote in message
> Does anybody know, that according to some Oil Geologists (e.g. Colin
> Campbell) in 2013 the world oil output is going to peak ? Are you
> aware what this does mean for all of us ? We have 4 years from now,
> until there will not be enough energy for travelling, heating and the
> most important for food for everybody of us. Oil prices will begin to
> peak, not 150 USD/barrel, much much higger prices are expected. Many
> people will loose their jobs and many of us will begin to starve.
> Alternatives will also be more expensive since the demand will
> increase astronomically. Alternative energy will also be much much
> more expensive, due to the demand and due to much higher costs. Making
> a wind turbine cost a lot of energy. Making ethanol cost a lot of oil
> (pesticides, insecticides, transportation, production, harvesting,
> fertilizers etc.). Making insulations cost also a lot of oil.
> What is the solution ? The only way is to act now, individually. Now,
> where the oil prices are still cheap, although there is an increase,
> each individual can begin to prepare himself for these hard times in
> near future. Insulation of houses, solar cells, which are now more
> affordable (in ebay 1 W solar cells cost 1 USD or even less), solar
> water heating, solar heating with mirrors reflecting the sunlight to
> your home in winter, making your own wind turbine (a lot of
> instruction of cheap design can be found in the internet), buying a
> plug-in car or a hybrid vehicle, using energy efficient lightning,
> heating with heat pumps, making a winter garden etc. are some of the
> things each of us can do to prepare himself/herself for hard times and
> to save money and energy. There are also ways to save energy and try
> to extend the date a little bit by using the car only when necessary,
> using the bike instead of your car, using public transportation,
> converting the car to methane fueling, saving energy where ever it is
> possible, not only in your home also in your work, etc. will help to
> extend the date.
> The other alternative is to wait until this date, actually the
> economical crisis is in its ending phase and the oil prices will again
> rise to record highs. But this is nothing compared to the prices when
> world oil supplies will deminish 4% yearly. And after this date (2013)
> very very hard times may come. Starvation and even worse things like
> war are the alternative.
> If you act now, you will also help to produce new jobs in your
> country.
I'm buying oil futures.