Ping jay
"jay" > wrote in message
.. .
> On Tue, 26 May 2009 09:08:26 -0500, Andy wrote:
>> You're so negative and unimaginative.
>> Here's a thought. Try to create a thread here and see how much mileage
>> you
>> get.
>> Go ahead. It'll take you longer than everyone but chomp at the bit and
>> give
>> it a go!!!
>> Got balls???
>> Andy
> Does this really take balls? You have posted *272,021* empty and
> thoughtless messages to date in umpteen very different and even unique
> groups just to test your mileage? Most of the threads you start *you* are
> 50% of the responses not counting any other identites that you use to
> respond back to *yourself*. Do you actually know anything about the
> discussion substance of any of these groups? From what you post here that
> is "food" related *(not much)* it is hard to believe you are having
> meaningful exchanges with interested parties in groups like
> *pl.misc.smachody or comp.os.linux.misc or or alt.feminism*
> and on and on and on and on. You are actually posting similar drivel to
> all
> these groups i.e asking hypothetical questions posting pack comments to
> yourself and answering the questions you originally posted... and again to
> groups that discuss subject matter that you are no doubt *clueless* about.
> Where are you now posting the hedious COD??..I mean to which lucky group?
> This game you are playing sorta sucks mainly for *YOU* but also for most
> everyone else.
Are you talking Andy or Sqwartz... I think they are one and the same.