On May 26, 10:00*pm, Mark Lipton > wrote:
> santiago wrote:
> > What a tough subject. To be frank, I dislike the behavior of Miller and
> > Squires. I have always had a good perception of Robert Parker, even if I
> > did not agree with all his tasting notes or his ratings. I thought he
> > actually was a consumer's advocate.
> That has always been the take on Arpee: you may or may not agree with
> his judgments, you may or may not like his personal character (those who
> know anything of it) but all basically agree that he is (was?)
> scrupulously careful about avoiding conflicts of interest in his
> reviewing. *It has also been pointed out, though, that in recent years
> he's showered lavish praise on certain personalities who also routinely
> garner high points in TWA, casting into question perhaps his untainted
> character.
> > But then I think he made a mistake in his expansion plans. If he was the
> > leading critic for Bordeaux, the Rhone and California, so be it. But I do
> > not see the need to relax the reputation of the publication trying to cover
> > new wine areas. Reputation, and not a palate, is the main asset of a wine
> > critic.
> I agree completely.
> > World is very interesting reading Parker for Bordeaux (I do not really care
> > for California for lack of availability, nor the Rhone for the style),
> > Allen Meadows for Burgundy (though he is quite predictable) and I would pay
> > for a publication by David Schildknecht about Germany, Champagne and Loire.
> > In fact, my bet is that David will leave TWA to start his own bulletin some
> > day.
> You may well be right: David's coverage in TWA has apparently descreased
> since his early days, leading one to question how much he wishes to
> remain there.
> > The critics of Spanish wines are so American that they do not make much
> > sense. Guess the value that would have for the American market, a Spanish
> > critic judging California wines by the stilistic standard of Australian
> > Spoofulated Fruit Bombs.
> Dr. Miller's critiques have certainly raised more than a few eyebrows.
> Who are your favorite critics of Spanish wines, Santiago?
> Mark Lipton
> (6 days and counting until Barcelona)
> --
> alt.food.wine FAQ: *http://winefaq.cwdjr.net
While I didn't also agree with Parker, I used to have the utmost
respect for him. I thought him opinionated but rather idealistic, and
full of integrity. But I must say my opinion has shifted in the last
few years, mostly because of his own posts on the Squires board.
Hubris, petty, egotistical, and mean-spirited are the terms that seem
to spring to my mind when reading his posts.
I think it is ridiculous that he states that it is "imperative" to
not take travel or lodging, and then say it's ok for the "independent
Personally I have no real problem with sponsored trips, if it is
disclosed. I have no problem with non-blind tasting- if you don't
claim to taste blind whenever possible. I do think that it is truly
impossible for anyone to critically review a close friend's wines
without bias (conscious or unconscious), you should recuse yourself.
Parker used to do the entire Australia review- couldn't he (or David S
or Galloni or Martin or even Squires -or how about the woman MW hired
for Asia forum?) do the Dan Phillips wines?
This has spawned huge amounts of conversation/controversy in the
online wine world, my favorite line was from my friend Matt:
I've started to have a strange feeling that the Parker of the 1980's
might frown on the Parker of today.