Thread: Cooking shows.
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Dave Smith[_6_] Dave Smith[_6_] is offline
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Posts: 115
Default Cooking shows.


> Perhaps the dozen fosters for breakfast fogged you abit. Can you not
> pick and choose what channels or theme groups you want to subscribe
> to, rather than having to pay for everything else you may not want?

I have satellite TV and find the marketing schemes annoying. I have to
get the basic Canadian networks, and that includes at least two of each
of the American networks, including PBS (Boston... not the closes one).
You can subscribe to the other specialty channels individually or in
bundles and they have a strange way of bundling them. For some reason
the History channel is in a bundle with BBS news, which I like, but
includes Fox news <?> , which is IMO an abomination. Comedy (East and
West) are bundled with children's cartoon channels. Drive In (movies) is
bundled with the Sex channel and the Military Channel. Food Channel is
bundled with a number of channels geared toward women.

Basically, they take one or two good channels and bundle them with a
bunch of losers that you will never watch we are sucked into thinking
that it is a good deal to get all those extra stations even though we
never watch them. Frankly, I am getting fed up with some of the primary
channels in the bundles because they have such a limited number of shows
which are aired several times each day and recycled every month or two.
For instance, the Military channel has some good programs, and you never
have to worry about missing a show because it will be on at least four
times each day, and likely to be repeated the next day, a few days later
and then all again the next week. History channel has very few history
programs. For instance, the History lineup for today includes, NCIS,
Outlaw Bikers, MASH, Ice Road Truckers, Masterminds and Sea Hunters.