How Can I Duplicate + yellow tomato sauce recipe
In article >, Johnny1
> writes:
>The acidity of tomato sauce is exactly the reason I tend not to like
>Italian red sauces, and the sauce I ate last weekend that I wrote
>about had no trace of acid at all. It would never have occurred to me
>to add some milk or cream. The next time I've cooked a tomato sauce
>that's too acidity I will use your solution.
>I think I will first try the sauce with a good canned tomato, Muir
>Glen Organic. If it comes out too acidy, I will put in a bit of milk
>or cream. If I'm not thrilled with the result, I will try fresh
>tomatoes (including yellow tomatoes) assuming I can get them. There
>are good markets and farmers' markets near me.
I grow my own tomatoes, reds, yellows, all types... yellows are very low
acidity (too mildly flavored for sauce), very juicy (too juicy for sauce)...
great for salads, terrible for sauce. If you want an orange-yellow hued sauce
(strictly esthetics) use red romas and add pureed yellow bell pepper to suit.
Regardless, salad tomatoes make awful sauce, in fact they're not much good for
cooking... they're called *salad* tomatoes for a reason.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."