Thread: Cold Cuts
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Cold Cuts

"Kswck" > wrote in message
>>> You are fortunate to have a Walmart that carries the Boar's Head brand.
>>> Most don't-particularly out of the NY area. My SO's Mom found a Boar's
>>> Head (Brunkhorst) truck out near her in New Mexico. They were trying the
>>> brand in Walmart-nobody bought it due to the price. Result? No more
>>> Boar's Head.

>> Gee, can't have it both ways, for better quality you have to pay the
>> higher price. Boar's Head does cost more but not that much more... and
>> the Walmart here charges a full 40% less for all their different brands
>> of cold cuts than the exact same brands at the chain stupidmarkets...
>> their deli is also cleaner, more modern, and their clerks are
>> neater/cleaner looking, and obviously better trained. I won't buy fresh
>> meat at Walmart, don't even look at it anymore, but Boar's Head is the
>> same no matter where. The Walmart Deli sells good cheeses and olives
>> too. I shop there like every six weeks or so and can drop $200 easy, but
>> I only buy certain things... I stock up on critter bread too... they give
>> a big discount on "used" bread, they knock like 75% off... at the other
>> stores yer lucky if they knock off 25%. Walmart also charges
>> significantly less for cat litter and pet food too, even better than the
>> pet emporiums like Petco. Walmart prices are also better on toiletries,
>> razor blades, mouth wash, shampoo, OTC meds. And I save on gardening
>> supplies too. Walmart is not a bad store, it's the same as any other
>> store, you need to know how to shop is all... I mean like it's not where
>> I'd buy clothing there but their big bags of frozen veggies are as good
>> as anywhere and they cost a lot less. And Walmart is by far the best
>> place to buy auto tires. And no, I don't own stock, but I get tired of
>> hearing the one dimensional anti Walmart arguments, especially the
>> idiotic claims that Walmart put the small neighborhood stores out of
>> business, they certainly did not, those small stores put themselves out
>> of business, with their only show in town greediness and rude independant
>> attitudes.

> It's a no brainer that a Mom and Pop store charges more for the same
> thing.
> But Walmart does have the reputation of 'sell to us for a certain price,
> else we will blackball you and put you out of business.'
> (without a specific reference to that I do beleive they have been
> convicted of it).

There are plenty of independants that survived the big box stores, even
though they charge higher prices, because they give superior service, are
truly knowlegeable about what they sell, will special order, and most
importantly they are courtious and friendly. I always choose the local
independants over the big box stores, so long as they offer the
aforementioned ammenities... and I really don't care if I have to pay a few
pennies more, often it ends up costing less because I only gotta travel 3
miles instead of 30 miles. I don't care that the small independant
hardware-lumber store in town charges a couple of bucks a gallon more for
paint, because they sell Benjamin Moore (none of the big box stores do), a
much superior paint, and they take all the time necessary to help me decide
and mix my colors, and they keep a record of all my color formulas room by
room, even the stain clor for my deck. And if I phone to ask if they have
something in stock they check immediately and if they have it they will put
it aside for me, even if only a 50¢ carriage bolt, and they know my name and
know me on sight, even know where I live if I need a delivery... just try to
call Lowes or Home Depot for any info, you'll be on hold half the day being
shuffled around and never get an accurate response, and when you get there
nobody knows you.