FYI: Jay Leno's last tonight show, tonight.
"sf" wrote:
> Andy wrote:
>>I just finished watching Jay's last show. Not an earth shattering send off
>>but it was in good taste.
>>I can't put my finger on what's up with O'Brien either. Maybe some of
>>I won't be watching.
> Connan O' Brian was boyish and funny when he first started and a
> breath of fresh air after the boring schick of late late night show
> Letterman. However, Connan has aged and he needs to grow up now.
Conan will do as well as Leno if not better... folks who watch late night TV
are not looking for profoundly intellectual (foodtv), at that hour they want
mindless. I never cared for Letterman, he's creepy, and his facial
expressions turned my stomach, he needs serious dental work. I for one am
happy that both Leno and Conan will be moving up an hour, they were on later
than I could stay awake most nights. Conan's skits are funny (what, you
don't like the masturbating bear), it's better to fall asleep on a happy
note than with the hopeless, hapless misery of world news.