Cold Cuts
"C.D" > wrote in message
> "brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Yes, many of the larger pharmacies have jumped on the bandwagon. I use a
>> mail order pharmacy (Teledrug) because it's in network with my medical
>> insurance, their prices are comparable to Walmart. I had at one time
>> considered switching to Walmart, only Teledrug delivers for free so for
>> me it actually costs less, and they carry a much larger variety of drugs,
>> especially the branded ones that I use... Walmart doesn't carry even one
>> of the drugs I use... they also take care of all the renewals through the
>> doctor, and do all the insurance paperwork, both my own plan and with
>> Medicare. I don't need to do anything but phone for them to mail my
>> order... I could choose automatic delivery but my 90 day supply sometimes
>> lasts 120 days and longer because my prescriptions are written
>> "use/take/apply as needed" so I prefer to order as needed. Years ago I
>> had automatic delivery and after a couple of years I accumulatated so
>> much meds that I barely had space to store it and it was beginning to
>> last past the expiration date. Keep in mind that not all Rx are pills,
>> with pills the dose is typically finite; 30 days/30 pills. But a lot of
>> meds are liquids, creams, gels, and salves that are applied in no
>> particular exact quantity. I try to use as little as possible as my meds
>> contain steroids. I have stasis dermatitis. After many years I've
>> discovered I can manage this condition very well with Bag Balm, no side
>> effects and costs much less. My Dermatologist doesn't like to hear that
>> I can get better care at a Veterinarian. LOL
> i bet you're a real hit at pool parties.
Huh? What's a pool party... you talkng 8 Ball?