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Cook North Korea!
> On Sun, 31 May 2009 09:52:27 -0500, Andy > wrote:
>>Dave Smith said...
>>> How ironic Andy. You live in a country that invaded Iraq because, your
>>> president claimed, they had a vast arsenal of WMDs and were a threat
>>> to peace.
>>Canada is a neutral country.
>>Don't argue with US politics when Canada can't stick it's dick out to
> I think that's the most idiotic statement that has ever come out of
> your yapper Andy, you are indeed a dumb ****. The US went into
> Afghanistan, then troops were pull for Iraq, Canada stepped in with
> other countries. We've lost many Canadian sons and daughters in
> Afghanistan, perhaps you need to look here is see the real carnage
> Many of these fallen soldiers were my friends, I knew their families,
> I knew their kids. You Andy are a dumb ****.
We've all lost friends and family.
Us more than you.
Eat first, talk later.