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Mike Brown Mike Brown is offline
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Posts: 21
Default OT : EVOO

On Sun, 31 May 2009 15:53:27 -0600, "graham" > wrote:

>"Mike Brown" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Sat, 30 May 2009 13:40:06 -0700, Jack Poulter >There are many
>> grades of olive oil, so I don't think the above title is
>>>silly. Chaçun son gout.
>>>Old Jack.

>> Just to be a nit-picker: It's "chacun à son goût" (the c in chacun
>> does not have a cedilla which would give it an "s" sound, the a has an
>> accent <grave I think it's called>, and the gout has a circumflex)
>> Pronounced: Shack-oon ah son gooht (the "t" is almost silent)
>> Translation: Each (chacun) to (à) his/her (son) <own> taste (goût)

>It's not "oon" but "uh" short "u" and no "n". And the "t" is silent in

You are correct, but I thought the "oon" would be less likely to be
mispronounced than the "un".

>> Let the flames begin.

>They were knocked out of the Stanley Cup in the first round!

I'm an Oilers fan so I deliberately ignored any reference to _THOSE_
flames. ;-)
