Thread: Delurking
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Wayne Boatwright[_4_] Wayne Boatwright[_4_] is offline
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Default Delurking

On Sun 31 May 2009 08:44:03p, Chuck Kopsho told us...

> This is mostly for TFM, but anyone can give their $.02. Recently I was
> diagnosed with colon cancer, I had the surgery two-weeks ago, but they
> didn't get it all. Now it's spread to my lymph nodes, and now I I have
> to be put on a regimen of chemo and possibly radiation treatments. The
> reason I said delurking in the header is that I've been keeping up to
> date about Christy's condition, condolences to you, TFM. Could you
> please tell me how I deal with this? The oncologist said that if I don't
> have these treatments, I have at minimum 5-years life expectancy. I am
> going through this like a trouper, at 50 I'm to young to die. Any
> thoughts?
> God Bless,
> Chuck Kopsho
> Oceanside, California

Chuck, it's doubtful I can give you any coping skills since I have no
direct experience with this. But perhaps I can give you some words of
encouragement. One of our VPs at my office is a colon cancer survivor of
12 years. At the time he was diagnosed he was in his 50s. He went through
surgery, chemo, and radiation treatments and is considered cured today.

Take advantage of every treatment available to you, even if experimental.
If a specific diet is suggested, follow it. If not, make most of your
protein fish, include plenty of cruciferous vegetables (see, minimize animal fats,
and increase fats like olive oil, avocados, etc.

You have my most sincere empathy in getting through this ordeal...

Wayne Boatwright
Eggs Benedict is genius. Its eggs covered in eggs. I mean, come on,
that person should be the president. ~Wylie Dufresne