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Bobo Bonobo® Bobo Bonobo® is offline
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Default Cook North Korea!

On May 31, 11:03*am, Andy > wrote:
> Dave Smith said...
> > Andy wrote:
> >> Dave Smith said...

> >>> How ironic Andy. You live in a country that invaded Iraq because, your
> >>> president claimed, they had a vast arsenal of WMDs and were a threat
> >>> to peace.

> >> Canada is a neutral country.

> >> Don't argue with US politics when Canada can't stick it's dick out to
> >> help!!!

> > You are an ignorant, ungrateful asshole. *There are Canadian troops
> > fighting and dying in Afghanistan. There are Canadian ships patrolling
> > in the middle east. If I had had my way, we would have waited at least
> > as long to help our neighbours as they waited to join the fight in
> > WWI.... until it was almost over. *But heaven forbid that you should
> > argue with facts instead of some stupid comment based on ignorance.

> Put it this way, how many Canadians have you lost?

Our Canadian NATO allies have lost 118. As of 4/24/09 "...118
Canadian soldiers have been killed serving in the Afghanistan mission.
One diplomat and two aid workers have also been killed."
It was every NATO country's obligation to respond to the 9/11 attacks,
and Canada accepted their responsibility under the treaty. The USA
and Canada are good neighbors. I can't imagine any country I'd rather
share a huge border with.

Andy, as a % of population, more Canadian have given their lives in
Afghanistan than have Americans. You should humbly apologize.

> Andy