Cook ANDY! {WAS: Cook North Korea!
On May 31, 3:11*pm, "Gregory Morrow" >
> Kswck wrote:
> > "Andy" > wrote in message
> ...
> > > Dave Smith said...
> > >> How ironic Andy. You live in a country that invaded Iraq because, your
> > >> president claimed, they had a vast arsenal of WMDs and were a threat to
> > >> peace.
> > > Canada is a neutral country.
> > > Don't argue with US politics when Canada can't stick it's dick out to
> > > help!!!
> > > Andy
> > > --
> > Get your facts straight.
> I guess that Andy doesn't know:
> - Canada is a founding member of NATO
> - The Canadian "DEW" line of radar stations was the primary defense warning
> system for North America during the Cold War era
> - Canada entered WWII before the US did. *Has Andy ever visited any of the
> grave sites of the Canadian soldiers buried in Europe, I wonder...???
> - On 9/11 when all commercial air traffic was grounded, much of that traffic
> was diverted to land in Canada. *The Canadians GRACIOUSLY opened their
> facilities, their homes, and their hearts to the many thousands of *air
> travelers who were stranded in Canada for the four-day period during which
> air travel was shut down. *When Bush went on to address the nation that
> evening he should have mentioned this and thanked Canada for this good and
> selfless deed. *He did not, which to me was the height of un-graciousness...
> And for lagniappe Canada has a single-payer health care system which is more
> humane and thus superior to the mish-moshed US health care system, SO
> THERE...!!!
Oh no, I agree with everything that Greg said.
I just asked my 7 YO son, "If someone asked you which country is
America's best friend in the whole world, what would you say?" He
immediately said, "Canada." When I praised him for being so smart, he
said, "That's easy. Everybody knows that."
> :-P
> --
> Best
> Greg