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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Cook North Korea!

iffu wrote:

>>> Perhaps it's that you get your rocks off on correcting peoples grammar
>>> and that's why you do it so often.

>> What do you mean, "so often"? Can you provide five examples in the last
>> five years?
>> No, you can't, liar.

> Oh hit a nerve did I? Seems I was correct, interesting.

No, the fact that you were utterly able to provide the examples means that
*I* was correct, and you are just another liar who's been caught in his
lies. Not really interesting at all; rather routine, in fact.

A *decent* person would be embarrassed by being proven a liar as I showed
you to be. I see it took you six hours to respond, which you probably spent
feverishly and unsuccessfully trying to find examples of my "so often"
grammar-correction before posting "seems I was correct," which you know is
another lie. In the end, you have been shown up for the liar you are. Of
course that's in ADDITION to your complete ineptitude with the English
language and your cloddish ignorance of cooking.
