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Chemiker Chemiker is offline
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Default Our mutual border

On Tue, 02 Jun 2009 13:54:23 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>Chemiker wrote:
>> Maybe Canadians don't care who enters their country. Maybe
>> Canada is not worried about terrorism because, like some
>> other nations, terrorists know it's there but pretty much don't
>> give a damn. I believe Canada is not a real or potential
>> threat to any nation..... it doesn't have the capability.
>> Maybe Canada couldn't control who enters their country
>> if they tried.

>That's rich. Canada does not have thousands of people sneaking across is
>borders like the Mexicans streaming in to re-occupy the south western

Think about that..... our Politicians want those illegals as potential
voters, and to Hell with out laws. Your politicians probably wonder
why so few people want to emigrate to Canada for the great
healthcare system. Especially Mexicans. What are their explanations
for the disparity, do you think?

>And you think that the US authorities did that all on their own and
>weren't tipped off that he was coming? If he had been stopped in Canada
>the worst that would happen would be that he would be charged with
>possession of explosives and the US would have no access to "interview"

I don't know and admit it . Do you know, for a fact?

Alex, curious as to just *who* and *how many* emigrate
to Canada per year. Europeans? Africans? Asians?