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Arri London Arri London is offline
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Default Ultimate recipe endorsement. :-)

Omelet wrote:
> To me, (mom went with this too!) the ultimate approval/endorsement of a
> recipe is whether or not the cats like it. <g>
> Selene (a medium hair black kitty) just happily snarfed down the kidneys
> from the back portion of tonights Citrus Tarragon roasted chicken...
> :-)
> She's elderly, has hyperthyroidism and mouth pain issues so I'm always
> happy to get any calories down her that I can! I know I'll probably
> lose her within the next couple of years and I'm not looking forward to
> it. <sigh>
> How do you judge a successful recipe?
> --
> Peace! Om

Not by the cats. The Dynamic Duo are unbelievably picky even for

*If people ask for/take seconds even when there is other food on the
*If they ask to take home any leftovers. Obviously that doesn't apply to
poor, starving students who will ask to take home leftovers no matter
how evil
*If people ask for the recipe.
*If people ask to have a particular dish made when invited to our home.

> Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
> It's about learning to dance in the rain.
> -- Anon.
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