Our mutual border food question
Dave Smith wrote:
> Janet Wilder wrote:
>>>>> Also they really do produce a heck of a lot of wheat
>>>>> Especially in Alberta region
>>>> Canadians are famous for putting brown gravy on their French fries.
>>> Yes we are, or just a sprinkle of white vinegar with a dash of salt
>> The vinegar, I can deal with. The gravy, I can't
> Gravy is good on roasted, mashed and boiled potatoes. Why don't you
> think that it would be good on fried potatoes. It is a bit on the rich
> side, but it tastes good. There is nothing quite like a hot roast beef
> sandwich (open face) with gravy and fries.
Almost all of the places where the served gravy with fries in Canada had
some kind of commercial gravy. It was canned or dehydrated or some other
kind of corporate stuff. It was way, way too salty and pasty to even ve
considered "gravy" JMHO, YMMV
Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.