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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default Oriental grocery stores

In article >,

> Dan Abel > writes:
> > I looked it up. The adjective is dated, the noun is both dated and
> > sometimes offensive.

> I looked it up, too, Dan:
> "Oriental has been used by the West as a term to describe cultures,
> countries, peoples and goods from the Orient. "Oriental" means
> generally "eastern". It is a traditional designation (especially when
> capitalized) for anything belonging to the Orient or "East" (for
> Asia), and especially of its Eastern culture"
> Why is it bleeding heart liberals gotta invent bogus issues to assuage
> their guilt? Just cuz someone ....a non-Asian, no doubt.... says
> "oriental" is offensive, it's so? Horse hockey!! I've never even
> imagined the term in a derogatory context. Sorry. No intention, no
> foul.

I probably should have quoted it literally, and provided an attribution.
It wasn't a bleeding heart liberal source. It is the New Oxford
American Dictionary, which came with my Mac:

oriental (also Oriental)


1 of, from, or characteristic of the Far East : oriental countries.

? dated of, from, or characteristic of the countries of Asia.

noun ( Oriental) dated, often offensive

a person of Far Eastern descent.

USAGE The term Oriental, denoting a person from the Far East, is
regarded as offensive by many Asians, esp. Asian Americans. It has many
associations with European imperialism in Asia. Therefore, it has an
out-of-date feel and tends to be associated with a rather offensive
stereotype of the people and their customs as inscrutable and exotic.
Asian and more specific terms such as East Asian, Chinese, and Japanese
are preferred.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA